Monday, March 18, 2013

Weekend Photos

I went to an artist's commune in GongGuan this weekend.  The weather was overcast and to be honest I didn't really expect to take any good pictures.  Turned out to be wrong...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tapei Anti Nuclear Reactor Protest

March 10, 2013

It was a hot day in Taipei but the thought of another nuclear reactor in Taipei drew tens of thousands of demonstrators to the President's headquarters.  A peaceful and focused march, Taiwanese expressed themselves in the streets and made it known that they didn't want another reactor in Taiwan which could pose a risk of nuclear meltdown or the possibility of waste contaminating rural areas.  President Ma's rival in last year's election, Tsai Ingwen, also made an appearance.  Police presence was friendly and organized, however armored vehicles and quick-deploy razor wire were visible in many locations.  About the only things police needed to worry about were street vendors, without proper permits, trying to take advantage of the crowds, and the occasional protester who wanted to engage police officers in discussion.  It remains to be seen if the demonstrators will have any effect on plans to build a nuclear reactor in southern Taiwan.